The rider is completely responsible for his personal safety. Once the agreement and deal are finalized, the rider rides the bike at his risk.
The customer is required to submit a Xerox copy of his license & Id proofs.
Helmets are compulsory. Drink and drive or use of any intoxications while driving is strictly against our Company policies. Rider has to abide by all rules and regulations of Motor Vehicle Dept. of Govt. of India.
Damage to the vehicle may be accepted only under uncertain and unforeseen conditions like death, extreme weather changes or other related issues.
The vehicle should be returned back in sound and safe condition(as it was when rented).
Damage And Loss
The bike will be inspected by us and the rider before being rented. Rider will be liable in case of any damages or losses caused thereafter.
The rented bike should be returned back as it was at the time of renting.
You are entitled to pay the repair charges or any other charges if there is any damage or loss to the rented bike.
Once the rider complies with all the terms and conditions. The vehicle is safely handed over to him for usage.
By accepting the terms and conditions, the rider promises to take due care of the rented vehicle as if the vehicle belongs to him. Any damage by any means has to be made good by the rider which has happened due to rider's negligence, carelessness or any other act. ApnaBike shall not be liable for any of the act committed by the rider during the rented period with the rented vehicle.